Here are some places not to miss when visiting Bonassola.

For those who come to Bonassola for the first time a must see is the Madonnina della Punta, this small chapel built in the 600s’ overlooking the sea on the promontory that closes the gulf. It is considered the symbol of Bonassola, and you can get there by walking it is about a 15min.walk. This walk is adapt for all: old,young, families wth the kids following behind.
Halfway through the walk that brings you to this jewel there is the trail called “Salto della Lepre” which if you decide to do this walk you will be amazed by the breathtaking panarama. It is different then the walk to the “Madonnina” this walk is at some points steep but the fatique is worth it, you will be repayed with one of the most beautiful views you will ever see. On clear days you will be able to see the Alps, Corsica, and Capraia.

Along the street that brings you to the hotel and the train station there is an old Castle, it was built for defensive purposes during the 16th century, it represents the seafearing spirit of the town. The Northern part with its’ two towers and the draw bridge are original, except for the stairway entrance.
Today it is the host to many events.

A few steps away from the beach is the Church of Saint Catherine built during the first half of the 500s it was completly tansformed during the Baroque period. Inside it is possible to admire pestigious furnishings, and important works of art by famous painters of the 600s.